Services & Rates
Priority is given to seniority; seniority is based on a mutual understanding of continuity of showing (longevity with HANDLER).


HANDLER will show CLIENT’S dog for one year or until CLIENT’S dog becomes an AKC Champion whichever comes first. If HANDLER is not at a particular dog show CLIENT reserves the right to use any HANDLER.
HANDLER will show CLIENTS dog for at least one year. If HANDLER is not at a particular dog show CLIENT reserves the right to use any HANDLER.
Priority is given to dogs that are ranked by seniority (longevity with HANDLER). Every effort will be made to show CLIENTS dog, however, in the event of a ring time conflict HANDLER will have another qualified professional handler show CLIENTS dog (handling fees still apply). Ringside CLIENTS needs to be available to take their dog for HANDLER as soon as services are rendered.
BIS $500
RBIS $400
GROUP 1 $300
GROUP 2 $200
GROUP 3 $150
GROUP 4 $100
BOB $50
BOS $40
SEL $30
NEW CH. $50
AOM $20
WD/WB $25
Best Puppy $20
Puppy G1-4 $25
Puppy BIS $50
Rates for Nationals, Westminster, Eukanuba etc. call for quote.
*Handling fees are due by ‘Show Entry Closing Date’ as a retaining fee for HANDLER. Travel expenses and Bonus will be billed after the time of services rendered. Travel expenses are split between dogs traveling with HANDLER ($25/per day of ringside CLIENTS) and can vary from show to show. HANDLER will provide CLIENTS with all ribbons and prizes; All cash awards will be retained by HANDLER.
Travel expenses include hotel, gas, show parking, meals, airline ticket and rental car for HANDLER. (Dogs owned by HANDLER are exempt)
Mileage @.56 cents/mile round trip from point A to point B.
Meals $35/day
Show Parking $15/day
Bath/Blow out (at show) Grooming $50
Home, Airport, Vet pick up/drop off $30/per way locally
Show Grooming $100 (base rate depending on breed)
Show Training (one on one with CLIENT on dogs) $75/hr.
Training/Conditioning (one on one with HANDLER on dogs) 100/hr.
Board & Train $2500 four weeks/one month (dog lives with HANDLER while being conditioned & trained for the show ring also attends Conformation Handling classes each week).
Transportation (dogs not being show by HANDLER) $80/per way
Show Entries $20
Puppy Pictures (stacking & fronts) $65/hour
*Win photos are taken unless otherwise notified by CLIENT; payment for win photos is CLIENTS responsibility. HANDLER reserves the right to use win photos for HANDLERS website and any other promotional use.
Show Training
Handling Rates
Board & Train

Pet Requirements
dogs must be clean and well kept
We are in the business of show dogs. How you treat them will show in their performance.
We can start at any age!
Its best to get your dog started early so that they have the structure and training necessary. Ready to get started?
Must have all vaccines
It is very important to stay up on vaccines as other dogs could be affected that are being trained.
Must Book in Advanced
Due to shows scheduled we ask that you book your sessions in advanced.